Shrug bar
This bodybuilding exercise uses and develops the trapezius muscles. These large fan muscles are located on the upper back and cover the entire upper neck and back.
Targeted Muscles
Upper trapezius beams , shoulders ( lateral beam) and forearms to hold the bar.
Execution of the exercise
Starting position standing, feet apart and medium grip shoulder-width apart, hands pronated. Raise the bar by shrugging your shoulders, keeping your arms straight.
You must climb to a high position, strongly contract the trapezius, then go down as low as possible. Perform the movement without violent jerks that could result in injury. Use a straight barbell or two dumbbells for this exercise.
Inhale as you raise the bar and exhale as you return to the initial position.
Safety instructions
The biggest mistake with this bodybuilding exercise is going too heavy. You can load the bar very heavy because these muscles are strong and quite powerful. On the other hand, the trapezius reacts more with fairly long series. Like the forearms, calves or abdominals, they are quite durable due to the fact that we use them enormously throughout the day. So if short sets with heavy weights don't make your trapezius muscles grow, don't hesitate to reduce the load. We feel the trapezius better in sets of 12 to 15 repetitions and the amplitude is better than with sets of 200kg.
Preferably use dumbbells because the bar overstretches the trapezius and forces you to adopt a slightly forward back posture.
To avoid hurting your back, bend your knees slightly if you use the bar and contract your abs to consolidate your core.
The shrug exercise, also called “shrug”, can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, trapeze machine, with both arms or just one at a time. The disadvantage of dumbbells is that they rub along the body.