Standing calves
This bodybuilding exercise strengthens and develops the calves, more particularly the calves at the top, due to the straight leg position. Twins are made up of slow fibers and fast fibers, so you will need to work them in long and short sets. It is best to start your calf workout with strength exercises such as standing calf raises and end with seated exercises.
Targeted Muscles
Gemini, soleus and lateral peroneus are mainly used by this exercise.
The twins are part of the triceps surae, along with the soleus, and insert on the bottom of the femur. They fuse at the level of the Achilles tendon with the soleus.
Execution of the exercise
You can perform this bodybuilding exercise standing on one leg or on a specific machine for the calves. Standing, maintain balance with one hand, the tip of your foot on the block. Go up as high as possible while contracting hard and go down as low as possible. Do not bend your knee to give an impulse. Also avoid working with your legs completely straight. If necessary, use a weight to add difficulty to the exercise.
For the version on the calf machine , adjust the weight and place yourself under the tubes. Lift the load, legs almost straight. Go up and down while contracting your calves well in the high position. Rest the load while keeping your back straight.
Inhale as you lower the weight and exhale as you ascend. Keep your abs contracted and your torso straight.
Safety instructions
Use a wedge to work at maximum amplitude, this allows greater muscle development. Add weight gradually, giving the Achilles tendon time to adapt.
In this exercise the heavy load rests on the spine, you must therefore be careful to keep the vertebrae well aligned and therefore not arch or lean too far forward. Remember to stretch your calves at the end of your weight training session to maintain your flexibility.
Sitting work requires more the soleus and standing work the gastrocnemius. The duck feet position, with the tips of the feet pointing outwards, allows you to put more strain on the internal part of the twins. Conversely, if the tips of the toes are directed inwards, the work will be carried out on the external part of the twins.
You can perform this exercise standing on one leg with a dumbbell in the free hand, on a calf machine, with a guided frame (Smith machine) or even with a free bar placed on the trapezius. In the latter case, the balance will be difficult to maintain.