High Pulley Extensions
This strength training exercise develops the triceps if you use increasingly heavy loads. It's a simple isolation exercise but not as profitable in terms of muscle gains as basic exercises like dips or barbell presses
. It is generally recommended for beginners because of its ease of execution and allows a good approach. The most experienced can place it at the end of the triceps training session and use various accessories to work differently.
This exercise allows you to obtain constant resistance throughout the movement, which is not the case with free weights.
Targeted Muscles
It uses all the muscles of the triceps , especially the internal and external fascicles.
The triceps is located on the posterior side of the arm and allows the extension of the forearm on the arm. It is made up of three beams which intervene more or less depending on the position of the arm, the grip and the more or less strong resistance applied to the muscle.
Execution of the exercise
Starting position standing, feet hip-width apart, back straight and knees bent. Both hands grip a bar connected to a high pulley, arms tight against the chest. Stretch your arms until fully extended then return to the starting position. Only the forearm should move while performing the exercise and the elbows should remain glued to the sides.
Exhale while stretching your arms and Inhale while holding the bar.
Safety instructions
Keep your elbows still and your arms tight, they must not move away from each other.
Hold the bar firmly with your hands and not with your fingertips because it could slip away from you and end up in your face.
You can practice the pelvic tilt technique (pelvic retroversion) to keep your lower back safe. This helps keep the trunk still.
It is possible to perform this bodybuilding exercise using different grips and various pulling accessories.
You can vary the grip of the bar, in pronation (palm of the hand towards the ground), in supination (palm facing you) or in hammer grip (palms facing each other).
The supinated grip will intensify the work of the vastus medialis while the rope work will require more of the vastus lateralis. To touch the long portion of the triceps, simply move your arms forward or work with your arms above your head.