Curl concentration
This bodybuilding exercise uses and develops the biceps. The concentration curl is an isolation exercise that will allow you to refine your arms. Barbell or dumbbell curls are basic bodybuilding exercises that are very useful for developing the mass of your biceps and getting big arms. You will therefore have to favor them. They could possibly be supplemented by concentration curls to diversify biceps training. This exercise has a reputation for developing the “peak” of the biceps.
Targeted Muscles
The biceps brachii , short and long portion, the brachialis anterior and the long supinator.
Execution of the exercise
Sit on a bench or chair, back straight and slightly leaned forward, arm perpendicular to the floor, elbow resting on the inside of the thigh near the knee and pronated hand holding the dumbbell.
Lift the load with the biceps without cheating by swinging backwards, and without moving the legs. Complete the movement with your hand supinated (palms of your hands towards you). You have to work one arm after the other.
Inhale at the start of the movement when the arm is straight and exhale when bending.
Safety instructions
The elbow should not rest on the thigh, which would hinder movement at the joint. Often, practitioners use their torso as a lever to lift the dumbbell, the arm is then no longer perpendicular to the ground. This way of cheating reduces stress on the biceps which is not optimal for its development. If you are in this situation, reduce the load and focus on the form of execution.
Contract your biceps well at the top of the movement and come down slowly.