How To Do Horizontal Rows?

Low pulley ground pull

Ground draft

This bodybuilding exercise called low pulley pulldown or “floor pulldown” works the back muscles in depth. This is a very good exercise for gaining muscle mass across the entire back, especially the upper part. If you lack volume in this area, this exercise is for you and will help you gain thickness quickly.

Many practitioners abandon horizontal pull-ups and rowing in favor of pull-ups and pull-down pull-ups, with the aim of gaining as much width as possible. They forget that it is these movements that mainly give volume to the back. The ideal of course remains to combine the two types of movement to obtain a perfect back.

With the chest pull, it is often with this exercise that beginners begin back strength training. Unlike the   standing bar row, it is a reassuring exercise  which allows you to work without too many constraints.

Targeted Muscles

The back, in particular the latissimus dorsi, teres major, middle and lower trapezius, but also the arm muscles (biceps) and the posterior deltoid. This exercise allows you to target various parts of the back by varying the grip. The lower back is also worked statically.

Execution of the exercise

Sitting on the machine, with both feet placed against the supports, grab the handles and bring the pulling triangle towards you by bending your legs and keeping your lower back straight. Once well positioned, with the trunk perpendicular to the bench, bring the load against the abdominals by contracting the back muscles and pushing the chest out well. Bring your elbows back as far as possible and squeeze your shoulder blades together by contracting hard. Return to the initial position, letting your shoulders move forward a little but keeping your back straight. At the end of your series, bend your knees to rest the traction triangle on the support, without rounding your back.


Inhale while bringing the weight against your torso, and exhale while returning it to the starting position.

Safety instructions

Always keep your back straight, and bend your knees to bring or put down the load. While performing the movement, keep your torso perpendicular to the bench or slightly leaned back. If you lean too much, the load is too heavy and the trapezius muscles will then be more active.
Some practitioners move their torso back and forth during the set, rounding their back. Who hasn't seen Arnold do it in the famous " Pumping Iron " video? This works the lower back and stretches the back muscles well but can cause injuries to the lower back. Better to keep your torso perpendicular to the bench.


By playing on the grip and trajectory of the movement, it is possible to use different parts of the back.

For example, by bringing the triangle or the bar towards the chest, we rather use the trapezius muscles. If we pull the pulley towards the stomach, downwards, we then work the lats more.
The spacing of the hands will also have an influence. The wide grip will put more strain on the outer part of the trapezius and the posterior deltoid (back of the shoulder), the tight grip the center of the back.
The  position of the hands will also have an influence. The pronated grip: upper and middle trapezius, the “hammer” grip: middle and lower trapezius, and the supinated grip: latissimus dorsi.

On this bodybuilding exercise, you can use several accessories such as a straight bar, the rope, two wrists or a triangle. You can even do the one-arm exercise by attaching a single handle to the low pulley. Finally, it is also possible to practice rowing on the converging machine, with your torso leaning against a desk, so as to reduce the tension on the spine as much as possible.
