This bodybuilding exercise is often placed in the pectorals session. However, if we touch the pectoralis major during execution, we realize that it is rather relaxed while the latissimus dorsi (back muscle) is under tension. The pullover therefore places more strain on the back.
Considered a chest opening exercise, its ability to develop the chest is often debated on forums. Thoracic development thanks to the pullover remains very controversial. There are some who say that it is purely impossible, that we cannot act on the costal cartilage after a certain age. Others have noticed that their rib cage has developed by doing this bodybuilding exercise in the right amount. Obviously, it must be done well and combine it with cardio-training type activities to work on breathing and endurance.
As you can see, the pullover is more of a breathing exercise. It can certainly help straighten the back, soften the shoulder joint and, perhaps, gain rib cage. It is therefore a shame that it is so little practiced.
Targeted Muscles
It uses the muscles of the trunk, mainly the latissimus dorsi. Other muscles are involved in the movement such as the triceps, pectorals, serratus major and abdominals.
Execution of the exercise
Starting position lying on the flat bench press, a dumbbell in the hands, elbows slightly bent. The knees are also bent and the thighs brought to the stomach to avoid arching the lower back. Lower the weight as much as possible, while inhaling, then return to the starting position.
Inhale as you lower the dumbbell and exhale as you return to the starting position. You need to focus on breathing and not on the load.
Safety instructions
Do not use too heavy a load on this strength training exercise.
If you are using adjustable dumbbells, use two clamps on each side for safety as the cast iron washers can slip and fall on your face.
Crossing your legs and bringing them towards your chest keeps your lower back in constant contact with the bench and avoids arching.
The tricky part of the exercise is when the arms are parallel to the ground, far back. You need to have a certain flexibility in the shoulder joint to be able to go low enough. You can notice an improvement in shoulder flexibility that comes with regular exercise. You must warm up well before doing the movement and not work too heavy.
You can perform the pullover bodybuilding exercise across a bench like Arnold Schwarzenegger but once the classic version has been mastered.