Bench Extensions
This bodybuilding exercise strengthens the lower back and indirectly uses a large number of muscles of the posterior chain muscles. Muscular and strong lower back, in addition to being aesthetically pleasing, are very useful for many exercises where the loads can be significant. This is particularly the case for squats and deadlifts, but they also participate during pulls and certain presses.
Lumbar bench extensions allow you to work your lower back safely, without pressure on the vertebrae. Beginners are advised to include it in their routine for a flawless back, and possibly compensate for excess series of abdominals.
You can do the exercise statically (without moving) or dynamically (up and down movement), with body weight or weighted.
Targeted Muscles
Gluteus maximus and medius, rear thighs (ischios), the spinal muscles on each side of the spine (spinals), the entire sacrolumbar mass: transverse spinous, interspinous, greater complexus, spinous spur etc. In fact, to put it simply, all these muscles fill what is around the spine.
Execution of the exercise
Installed on the lumbar bench, the pelvis resting against the bench, the torso straight and horizontal, the chin against the chest and the hands on the back of the neck. Lower your chest slowly by approximately 30°C, without rounding your back. Return to the starting position without going beyond the vertical (hyper extension).
Exhale in the lower position and inhale while opening the rib cage.
Safety instructions
Often, bodybuilding practitioners raise their heads during the exercise. This habit should be avoided. The chin must remain against the chest to avoid hyperextension of the cervical spine.
When you come back up, do not exceed the horizontal because this position - in hyper extension - shortens the spinal muscles. The stress will then be placed on the lumbar vertebrae with compression of the intervertebral disc.
If you are arched by nature (lumbar hyper lordosis), avoid doing too many lower back exercises and strengthen your abdominals with crunches.
When you go down (eccentric phase), do not round your back. It must always remain straight.
There are two types of Roman chair, the classic horizontal or the inclined. It's up to you to test which one you like best. Due to lack of equipment, it is possible to perform the exercise on a flat bench with the help of a partner who keeps your legs still.