Lateral elevations


This bodybuilding exercise uses the shoulders, more particularly the lateral beam, on the side, which gives the famous shoulder width so sought after. It is true that their build is the first thing we notice when we pass someone in the street. Broad and well-curved, good shoulders highlight you when dressed. No more need for padding or shoulder pads to accentuate the build of your costume! Let's say it, shoulders at their best, huge and lean, it has an effect! So it's better to focus on this key muscle group and leave nothing to chance…

In terms of training, nothing is better than doing basic movements like barbell or dumbbell presses to  gain overall mass  and thicken the entire upper bust. Complete, if necessary, with isolation movements such as lateral pulley raises if you lack build (thick in profile but lack width), or inclined bird if you lack thickness (broad but thin in width). profile). The objective is then to target a specific part of the shoulder, rather late, to fine-tune the details.


Targeted Muscles

Lateral elevations mainly solicit the middle beam of the deltoid but also the trapezius muscles , especially when you raise your arms higher than horizontal (not recommended). In fact, the deltoid raises the arm horizontally until the humerus abuts the acromion of the scapula. The trapezius then comes into action to tilt the scapula and complete the movement. Without forgetting the supraspinatus, which initiates the movement.

Execution of the exercise

Standing or sitting on a bench, elbows pointing upwards and bent, wrists “broken”, raise both arms at the same time until horizontal. Thumbs should be facing down. This position allows you to properly exercise the lateral beam and must be maintained! In fact, we tend to involve the anterior fasciculus (front of the shoulder) by letting the elbow go lower than the wrist.


Slowly lower back to the initial position. Throughout the movement, keep your back perfectly straight and your head still to avoid cheating. It is possible to start the movement with the dumbbells (or the cable) on the side, behind the back or in front of the thighs. These variants make it possible to use all the fascicles of the lateral portion of the deltoid.


Inhale as you raise the dumbbells, and exhale as you return to the initial position.

Safety instructions

The seated version allows you to work more strictly. If you are doing the exercise standing, remember to bend your knees slightly to avoid cheating your lower back or legs. As with dumbbell presses, preferably work with both arms for balance.

For this isolation exercise, we tend to use light loads and long sets. Try to focus on your muscular sensations, having impeccable technique. 

If you raise the dumbbells higher than horizontal, the trapezius takes over to the detriment of the deltoid. A question of anatomy as explained above… We will avoid going beyond the horizontal because these pinches and irritates the supraspinatus, one of the muscles of the rotator cuff. To work the trapezius, do shrug on the bar  !


There are many variations of this exercise, here are 3 of the best known:


This bodybuilding exercise works the front of the shoulder and the top of the pectorals (clavicular beam). Prefer dips which will be much more profitable in terms of muscle gains.


In the weight room, you can use a low pulley to perform the exercise. Unlike dumbbells, the cable maintains tension throughout the movement. If the cable passes in front of you, the anterior deltoid will assist the lateral beam. If it goes behind, it will be the posterior deltoid that will participate.


Standing or sitting, this exercise works more on the back of the shoulders but also on the trapezius and rhomboids. It is also possible to use cables.
