Rowing bar
This bodybuilding exercise works all of the back muscles, rather in thickness. It is particularly effective for gaining mass and thickening the back. The forward leaning position makes this exercise risky for the lower back. Beginners in bodybuilding should first strengthen their lower back and abdominals before practicing this exercise.
Targeted Muscles
The latissimus dorsi , teres major but also the muscles of the arms (biceps brachii, brachialis anterior, supinator longus), the trapezius, rhomboids and posterior deltoids. The lumbar, glutes and rear thighs are also used statically. The bar grip on the demonstration is in pronation, but it is possible to perform the exercise with a supinated grip (palms of the hands facing you). The work of the biceps brachii and the upper portion of the trapezius will then be more intense.
Execution of the exercise
Hold a straight bar, hands pronated, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean your torso forward while keeping your back straight and knees bent. Raise the bar to the level of the lower abdominals, strongly contracting the back muscles. Slowly lower the bar back to the initial position.
Inhale as you bring the bar against your chest and exhale as you lower it. Gain the waist by contracting the abdominals so that the bust remains straight.
Safety instructions
Be careful that the body remains static and the back is always straight. Bending your knees helps protect your lower back like a shock absorber.
It is often recommended to lean your torso 90° to better use your back muscles instead of your trapezius muscles. But this position separates the torso from the pelvis and puts your lower back in a bad position, which increases the risk of injury. It is therefore advisable to lean your torso by approximately 45°. Rest the bar on a support at the right height to avoid having to put it on the ground. This will save you from a back strain.
On this exercise, bodybuilding practitioners often use a load that is much too heavy.
In terms of material, you can use a straight or bent EZ bar, which is more pleasant. This exercise can be replaced by floor pulling or one-arm dumbbell rows. There are also machines where you sit or lie facing forward on a bench, allowing you to row in complete safety!
If you do not have strong lower back or if you are fragile, prefer these alternatives.
As an exercise to replace body weight, it is possible to do reverse rowing using a straight bar placed on a support. To do this, you must position your body horizontally, with your back to the ground, and raise your feet using a stool. This looks like a pull-up but with your chest parallel to the floor. You can also use TRX straps.