How to Do the Straight-Leg Deadlift?

Straight Leg Deadlift

This bodybuilding exercise develops the entire body, particularly the glutes, the back of the thighs and the lower back. It’s a technical exercise that requires a lot of flexibility.
The straight leg deadlift is an exercise almost identical to the Romanian deadlift. For the straight-legged deadlift, the legs are less apart - about pelvic width - and they are almost straight.

Straight Leg Deadlift

Targeted Muscles

The glutes,  back thighs , abdominal muscles, back (spinal, lumbar, back), forearms, the muscles of the shoulder girdle (shoulders, trapezius) to hold the bar.

Execution of the exercise

Starting position with your back straight and your lower back slightly arched. Bend your knees very slightly, with your feet close together and your hands pronated with a distance equal to shoulder width. Lower the bar to mid-calves then rise again, keeping tension in the hamstrings and glutes. Look ahead while performing the exercise, do not fix your gaze on the ground. Do not go too low and use moderate loads.


Inhale as you lower the bar and exhale as you return to the starting position. The abdominals are contracted to support the trunk.

Safety instructions

This exercise can be risky if performed incorrectly. It is imperative to keep your back perfectly straight when performing the exercise. The round back position can lead to pinching and herniated discs! This exercise is not recommended for beginners and people who lack flexibility. The range of movement is determined by your flexibility.
The load to be used must be low because the leverage effect is important.


You can perform the exercise with two dumbbells because you don't need to use very heavy weight to get good sensations. You can work on one leg at a time.
