3-day split bodybuilding program
When you enter a weight room, you can easily tell who is an experienced practitioner and who is not. Indeed, the practitioner, who already has several years of experience behind him, is generally quite muscular whereas a beginner will not be, or much less. But appearance is not the only thing that can tell you about the level of a practitioner, there is also their training. Anyone who starts gym program 3 days a week will tend to have a full-body program . That is to say, he will work all his muscles in a single session, several times during the week. This is a good strategy when you are a beginner because it allows you to have muscular foundations, so what is the best Split program? and what type of bodybuilding session for 3 times a week?
The 3-day split training program is ideal for athletes or bodybuilders wanting to take their strength training to the next level. The 3-day split program works like this: 3 days, 3 different muscle groups. Each session works a different muscle group. In order to exploit the full growth potential of muscles, we recommend training a muscle group 2 times per week. Therefore, you should follow each session of your split twice a week for a total of 6 sessions.
We've put together a 3 Day Split Workout , exercises, training week, and tips below.
We've put together your workout plan, exercises, training week and tips below. You will soon find the 3-Day Bodybuilding Program for download in PDF format.
Additionally, a person who doesn't have enough experience may have difficulty doing more intense workouts. However, as you progress, a practitioner who wants to continue to gain muscle can go through a “split” program by distributing the work of each muscle group over several sessions.
The disadvantages of a full-body program
The main problem with training of this type is that not every muscle group can be worked at maximum intensity. Quit simply because as the session progresses, your efforts exhaust you and you lose your energy. However, when one muscle group has exhausted you, it is difficult to give everything you have to the next. You are therefore not able to push the solicitation far enough.
The other disadvantage is that full-body training restricts you to doing 1 to 2 exercises per muscle group. If you do otherwise, your session risks dragging on, you will then be even more tired and the training will not be profitable because it is too catabolizing. In addition, this limitation in the choice of exercises does not allow you to work your muscle groups from all angles. However, for a group like the back, you need to be able to use all the muscles like the lumbar and trapezius muscles in addition to the back muscles, to get a complete workout.
An optimal program therefore requires practicing movements such as pull-ups to work the back muscles, shoulder shrugs to strengthen the trapezius muscles, but also rows and deadlifts for the rest of the back.

Why do a split Workout plan?
To successfully train thoroughly without spending your day in the gym, you must separate the muscle groups and place them over several sessions during the week. However, unlike full-body, the recovery time between each session of the same muscle group will be much longer. Indeed, more intensity equals more fatigue. However, rest is necessary if you want to progress .
This rest time may vary depending on the practitioner. The most experienced only use the same muscle group once a week. Those with a little less experience can do it twice a week. As such, a split program, which separates the muscle groups into one session for the top and one session for the bottom (half-body), is quite effective.
The 3-day split program
We offer a split program over 3 days per week . Rest times between sets may be set at 1 minute, unless otherwise specified.
This is Bodybuilding workout schedule:
A 3-day bodybuilding program for the pectorals
- Bar bench press or dips : 5*10 - 1 minute 30s (rest between sets)
- Incline dumbbell press: 3*8 (3 sets of 8 repetitions)
- Spread flat bench: 3*12
- Pullover : 2*20
3-day strength training program for biceps
- Bar curl : 4*10
- Dumbbell curl : 4*8
- Concentrated curl : 3*12
3-day strength training program for the abdominal muscles
- Ground crunch : 4*20
- Core board: 3*1 minute
- Lateral bends : 4*12
3-day split bodybuilding program for quadriceps/glutes
- Neck bar squat : 6*12 - 1 min 30s
- Leg extensions : 3*12
- Hamstring leg curl : 3*15
- Deadlift with straight legs : 4*10
3-day split bodybuilding program for calves
- Standing calves : 4*12
- Seated calves : 4*20
3-day strength training program for back
- Pull-ups on the high bar: 5*10 - 1 min 30s
- Horizontal rowing or bar rowing : 4*8
- Barbell Shrug: 3*12
- Weighted lumbar bench : 3*1 min
3-day strength training program for shoulders
- Dumbbell press : 4*12
- Lateral elevations : 3*10
- Inclined bird bench or machine: 3*10
3-day strength training program for triceps
- Front bar : 4*10
- Overhead extensions : 3*10
- Extensions to the high pulley : 2*12
Programs and advice for starting bodybuilding workout plan
Before starting your bodybuilding practice, we share with you tips to avoid the pitfalls that many beginners commit. We will then offer you training programs to get started effectively .
We will talk about "beginner bodybuilding program 3 times a week" this in detail in other posts.
Advice from Serge Dessel, former IFBB bodybuilder
How many people have joined fitness clubs and been disappointed by their lack of results? First, interns are not “PROS”. The bad habit of fitness centers is to employ interns rather than real professionals, for reasons of cost. The customer is harmed since he is paying for a service that he will not receive.
Secondly, not all “PROS” are competent… Several diplomas recognize different skills, choose a professional specialist in bodybuilding who will be able to satisfy your needs and not a specialist in choreographed dance who has no skills in bodybuilding or physical preparation.
Another point: athletes are not necessarily good teachers. Don't jump on the first bodybuilder in the room for advice. He may be passionate about what he does and puts his whole heart into training, but may have nothing to offer you in terms of sound advice on how to improve. They often make a lot of mistakes themselves and refuse to question themselves. If by observing you notice that he always does more or less the same training routine, change path, he has nothing to teach you.
Tips for the 3-day split program
In 3 days workout plan always start with the biggest movements , those that work a lot of muscles at the same time. This is the case for squats, bench presses and pull-ups. Then, practice isolation exercises to “finish” the muscle.
Don't get stuck on using just one type of equipment. You can use dumbbells, but also bars and machines. Some exercises can even be practiced at body weight.
When you perform your back and shoulder workout, you inevitably use your biceps and triceps. It is therefore better to avoid working your back after an arm session. The same thing should be noted for the pectorals session which also uses the arm muscles.
Remember to work on your weak points as a priority when you start your session.
There is no point spending your life in the weight room. Your body needs rest and you need to give it time to recover. It is during these periods of inactivity that your muscles can develop, in particular thanks to the nutrients you consume. If you don't take the time to rest enough, you risk getting tired, stopping progressing, or even insulting yourself.
The 3-day-a-week split bodybuilding program is now complete. To better understand the choice of exercises, I advise you to read my other articles.