Dumbbell press
This bodybuilding exercise works the shoulder muscles, and indirectly the triceps – at the back of the arms – and the top of the pectorals. It is a basic exercise, ideal for gaining mass, thickness and building massive shoulders.
Often recommended for beginners but also appreciated by advanced practitioners because it is less demanding on the joints, the dumbbell press allows better amplitude in relation to the bar. The movement is more natural, comfortable, and remains less risky than the others developed, especially when done seated on a bench.
Targeted Muscles
It uses the anterior (front of the shoulder) and middle (side of the shoulder) bundles of the deltoid but also the top of the pectorals (clavicular bundle), the upper trapezius, the serratus muscles and the triceps.
Depending on the grip, you can favor this or that bundle of the deltoid muscle. If your palms are in front (hands pronated), you mainly use the side and front of the shoulder. If your palms are facing each other (semi-pronation), you favor the work of the front of the shoulder even more. Finally, if the palms are facing the face (supinated hands), it is the front of the shoulder that will do most of the work.
Execution of the exercise
Standing with both dumbbells in hand, sit with the dumbbells on your thighs. This makes it possible to avoid picking them up from the ground with all the risks that these entails. Starting position seated on the bench, feet wide apart, dumbbells at shoulder level with hands pronated. Expand the dumbbells then slowly return to the starting position, slowing the descent.
Inhale during the descent and exhale as you develop the load. If the dumbbells are heavy, you can exhale once you have passed the sticking point. To do this, block your breathing at the start of the movement and exhale once the difficulty is over.
Safety instructions
Using dumbbells, a slightly inclined backrest with the seat raised, allows you to adopt a good back position without arching too much. You can then force without worries.
Warm up your shoulder joint well before performing this strength training exercise. The shoulder is a fragile and risky joint, put your ego aside and take care of it!
Tips for the Dumbbell Press
The seated dumbbell press is more demanding compared to the one performed standing because you cannot cheat. In fact, when standing, to lift the weights when you are blocking you tend to accentuate your arch and use the momentum of your legs.
You can choose this exercise as the mainstay for your shoulders session. As you know, the best exercises for gaining mass are those with free weights. The dumbbell press will allow you to obtain a good build, with very round and curved shoulders.
It can be completed with seated lateral raises with the bust leaning forward to mobilize the back of the shoulder. Even though this part is used during back exercises, it is often delayed. Finally, we will not forget to strengthen the rotator cuff with specific exercises (L-Fly or Cuban press).
It is possible to perform the exercise with one arm, unilaterally. But we will note that this is not very practical in terms of balance. By strengthening the trunk sufficiently to avoid placing the bust in a bad position, you can perform it without worries with just one arm.
The Arnold press is a variation that allows you to work the front of the shoulders and the top of the pectorals.